Child Protection for the Third Sector
Child Protection is everyone’s responsibility and as a sector we should develop confidence in knowing what to do and who to contact if you have a concern. Here is some key information about Child Protection in Highland, including training.
Highland Child Protection Committee is here to help you find out what to do and who to contact if you are concerned about a child and information on what might happen next.
The Committee is a multi-agency partnership responsible for:
Raising public awareness of child protection issues
Co-ordinating prevention activities with children and their families
Providing child protection guidance and training
Implementing national child protection initiatives
Assuring the quality of responses to child protection issues
Child Protection Guidance and Toolkit for Third Sector Organisations in Highland
This Guidance has been produced for larger Third Sector Organisations and those with a number of paid staff who should have robust child protection policies and procedures in place. This Guidance sits behind the Highland Child Protection Committee Guidelines and provides further tools to help support recruitment of staff and volunteers, as well as more detailed guidance on child protection issues.
CALA e-learning
The courses are aimed at all those who work or live with children and families, particularly in the Highlands, Moray and wider Scotland. Each course has different content so will interest some groups more than others; for example some are designed to be informative for parents and practitioners whereas others might be more suited to job-related roles
Third Sector Keeping Children Safe Reference Group
A mandated sub-group of the Highland Child Protection Committee which comprises third sector organisations who meet quarterly to network and raise awareness of child protection related matters and to feed into the CPC on behalf of the third sector. Interested in joining?
If so, contact Care and Learning Alliance on 01463 222569.