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Funding my Organisation




Applying for Funding

Grant Assessor Visits

Sometimes funders will use assessment visits as part of their grant making – either to help them decide whether or not they will fund your project, or, more likely, as a follow up to a grant they have made.

Make the most of a visit from a grant assessor to build on the relationship your group has established with the funder - they may consider funding you again another time.

Arranging the visit

  • choose a venue where you can talk in a relaxed, informal atmosphere

  • be hospitable and provide refreshments - your assessor may have travelled a long way to see you

Who should be there?

  • committee or board members

  • any staff or volunteers involved in the delivery of the project

  • also consider trying to arrange the visit so that funders can get chance to meet any beneficiaries of your project and see the activities taking place

Making the most of the Assessment Visit

A visit is your chance to sell your organisation and project and to make a lasting impression. If the assessor has been won over by you personally they will act as an advocate and promote your project to their Trustees or Directors - often the views of the assessor will influence their decision on whether or not to offer you a grant.

The assessor will be looking for enthusiasm and commitment to the project, signs that your project has the potential to make a difference, evidence of good planning and the capacity to run the proposed activity, evidence of local support, an honest appraisal of potential difficulties and evidence of sustainability, especially for capital grants.

Build the assessor's confidence in all of the above and they will remember you.

If the visit is a follow up to a successful grant funded project - tell the funder what you have done.  Remember, a funder may fund you a second time and is more likely to do so if you have built up a relationship and made them interested in your project. If unsuccessful, phone and ask why; they will be happy to give you feedback on your application, but may not have the resources to write individual letters.

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The Highland Third Sector Interface is a Scottish Registered Charity SC043521 and a Scottish Registered Company SC425808

HTSI is an independent charity on a mission to support, encourage and inspire work with community groups, clubs, charities and other third sector organisations throughout Highland.

Contact Us:

Telephone: 01349 864289
Address: Thorfin House,

Bridgend Business Park,

Dingwall, IV15 9SL

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