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NHS Highland
Third Sector Funding

NHS Highland Logo

Note deadline for application was 15th of August 2024. Applications have now closed.


NHS Highland are inviting applications from third sector organisations for three year funding up to a total of £49,999 per annum across their Living Well, Staying Well and Value Well strategic themes. The funding is likely to be massively over subscribed so applicants are encouraged to make sure they read through the guidance closely and reach out for clarity on any areas where they are unsure. 


Questions and queries can be sent to



While HTSI won't offer to write your application if you need support in terms of being a critical friend just let us know.  Sometimes it helps to get someone to have a look over something to make sure what you have written is clear. 


Make sure you get the application in before the deadline and if you have any questions at all please just let us know. 

Useful Links and Documents:


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