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Highland Whole Family Wellbeing Programme

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The Highland Whole Family Wellbeing Programme (WFWP) is a change and innovation programme driven by several wide-ranging national policies and strategies, which aims to tackle inequalities and improve the wellbeing and support available to families.


Through the Highland Integrated Children’s Services Plan the Partnership has a vision to support children and young people to have the best possible start in life, enjoy being young, ensuring they are loved, confident and resilient and can achieve their full potential.


The Highland Whole Family Wellbeing Programme supports activity across the nine Community Partnership localities in line with the Programme Four Pillars and the Principles of Holistic Whole Family Support.


Toolkit Information

Highland, with all other regions of Scotland, are required to ensure the programme aligns to the 4 Pillars and 10 principles of holistic family support.  This toolkit helps us as a community of practice to ensure that when we allocate funds, we are laser focussed on the pillars and principles for the benefit of children, young people and families across Highland. 


On the 19 June 2024, the multi-agency Integrated Children’s Services Board approved the Highland Whole Family Wellbeing Programme funding strategy, which enable the launch of the Self-Assessment Toolkit and the Application Process for the Element 1 of the fund, which will open 2 September 2024.

4 Pillars

Funding Information

Whole Family Wellbeing Programme Fund - Element 1: Locality Community Based Activity Small Grant Fund 2024/2025.


This fund will support local community-based activities, addressing family wellbeing activities based on locality need. In this round, prioritised to tackle Poverty based inequality, applications will be directed to include the following family types.


Family Types

  • Families where the mother is under 25

  • Lone Parent Families

  • Families which include children or adults with disability

  • Larger Families

  • Minority Ethnic Families

  • Families with a child under 1


It will be targeted at grass roots smaller third sector organisations and will encourage joined-up approaches in locality to avoid duplication and siloed working. Wherever possible it will encourage match funding opportunities. 


Applications will be assessed by the Whole Family Wellbeing Programme with partners in each of the nine Community Partnership localities.  Support for this Application Process has been provided to the Programme by the Highland Third Sector Interface (HTSI). 


WATCH Highland Whole family Wellbeing Programme, Tech Support for Funding Application here​.

Useful Documents

Download the PDF Guidance Document below:

Download the FAQ Document below:

This self-assessment toolkit, is based on quality indicators and designed to:

  1. Support all services/organisations involved in family support and wellbeing as partners in the Highland Integrated Children’s Services Plan. Its use will provide an evaluative baseline assessment for organisations delivering such services in and for Highland communities.

  2. Provide organisations and local partnerships with data evidence, supporting ongoing reflection and service improvement alongside all stakeholders, identifying strengths, areas for development and gaps in provision.

  3. Support development of a shared language and understanding of holistic whole family support across Highland.

  4. Form the basis of applications to the Highland Whole Family Wellbeing Programme Fund.

  5. Where applicable, provide a standardised framework for the monitoring of potential contractual arrangements. 

Used effectively, continuous self-assessment helps partners to monitor progress and continue to strive for excellence. Where best practice is identified, it should be celebrated, and shared with others. If aspects, impacts, and outcomes are not as good as expected, the source of the issues can be identified by ‘taking a closer look’ at a particular theme or topic. This proportionate approach allows partners to focus on priority areas rather than routinely covering all aspects of their service/organisation.

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The Highland Third Sector Interface is a Scottish Registered Charity SC043521 and a Scottish Registered Company SC425808

HTSI is an independent charity on a mission to support, encourage and inspire work with community groups, clubs, charities and other third sector organisations throughout Highland.

Contact Us:

Telephone: 01349 864289
Address: Thorfin House,

Bridgend Business Park,

Dingwall, IV15 9SL

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